Young boys around the age of ten are typically involved in activities like baseball and basketball. But if you’re fortunate enough to grow up in South Louisiana, you’ve got to add fishing, hunting and drums. Drums? Why drums you might ask?
Each Sunday evening young Louis Duvall III could be found perched directly in front of the family television set watching the legendary Ed Sullivan Show in black & white. His unwavering fascination with the show seemed to be music, especially the bands and specifically the Beatles. It was then that the seeds of being a drummer were firmly planted in his mind when he noticed a drummer named Ringo Star.
When a reporter asked John Lennon if Ringo Starr was the best drummer in the world, Lennon replied… “He’s not even the best drummer in The Beatles!”
Louis vividly recalls the day he received his first drum set, a great big Ludwig. It seemed as though it was instantaneously, but the only practice he could manage was when his parents were away from home. Sounds familiar? As he recalls earlier roll models, he speaks highly of his father’s late brother and drummer Sonny Bourg, who was popular in the genres of Chicago Jazz, Swamp Pop and New Orleans Jazz.
As time went on, Louis became an accomplished drummer with early influences from bands like The Hollies, Crosby Stills & Nash, America, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Doobie Brothers and many more.
“Drummers are artist in their own right.”
“There are hundreds of rudiments, rhythms, patterns, tonal effects and time signatures to be learned. Drummers are the most vital musician there is.”
No two drummers play alike, and a good drummer needs to understand the roll of all the instruments in the band. Such is the case with the styles of two drummers who’s influence fondly resonates with Louis, Jeff Paccaro of Toto and Chris Layton of Stevie Ray Vaughns’ Double Trouble.
Today Louis uses his drummer-friendly Yamaha DD-65 drum machine for it’s portability and great drum sound. The drum machine marks a transition to a more versatile digital-drumming instrument. It features an auxiliary in jack for Louis’ MP3 player for playing along with his favorite music, and a port for head phones, just in case he wants to really get loud and JAM.
Louis Duval III has been employed with Pixus Digital Printing for over 11 years, and when asked to make an analogy between a drummer and CNC Router Specialist he replied, “Its all about the Math.”
Information Source: Musician’s Friend Copyright © 2013 All rights reserved. Wikipedia
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