Nobody likes to hear it, Thanksgiving is over and the insanity of Black Friday is behind us. The mad shopping rush is upon us and this is the time to capitalize on the visibility. Ideally, you would already have your signage and print media materials squared away, but what could set your business apart is some exquisitely printed, custom banners or signs. Created from your vision by the printing experts at Pixus Digital Printing, Louisiana’s leading large format digital printer. What could the advantage be of changing up your large format print advertising this time of year? The answer is simple, many of the shoppers out there are suffering from the inevitable hangover of the post and pre-Thanksgiving retail crush. What better time to reinvent the way you are engaging with your customers than new, engaging visual content?
Target Wisely
The target audience this time is the wayward, last minute shopper husband. We all know this guy, he is a caring and loving husband but just has no clue when it comes to Christmas shopping for his wife and kids. In fact, many times he doesn’t even shop for his kids, his wife simply tells him what she bought for them after they are wrapped and under the tree. This guy means well but is many times not the shopping type. Whether it be buying a package of underwear or a new pair of shoes our man is only focused on the task at hand. The physical act of shopping can throw our hero into an almost catatonic state of panic. Why do you suppose that there are so many bars attached to shopping malls and it isn’t because of the food. This man is equally terrified shopping with his wife. Many times he is relegated to holding her purse while she shops in the distance. Do not look at this line of men, each holding a stylish purse, as a sad display of the degradation of the American male, but as the next target for your marketing efforts. These men need you. They need you to tell them exactly what they can expect what kind of products that they can expect to find when they reluctantly enter your store. Engaging with the husband is one of the most effective ways to ensure that he remembers your business. Guaranteed, if he likes what he sees on the outside advertising, he will remember you when it is time to make those purchases come December 24th.
Reinvent Now
The time is now to contact Pixus about your large format print marketing strategy for the remainder of the Christmas season. Toss away all of the fanatical Black Friday advertising and adopt a more sentimental angle. Apply a marketing campaign that those purse holding husbands will respond to, a clear, concise representation of what your business is all about. That could mean banners, feather flags, or a new vinyl wrap for your jacked up Ford pickup. No matter what you choose, Pixus can help with all of your large format printing needs. Contact us today for a Speedy Fast™ bid and get a jump on the last minute shoppers.